Tuesday, September 10, 2013

My first roasting experience

Hai hai...I'd like to share my first roasting experience :)
Sebagai seseorang yang (ngaku-ngaku) suka ngopi tapi bisanya cuma order and drink ajaaa gue sungguhlah awam dengan proses bagaiamana perjalanan biji kopi dari ditanam sampai bisa menjadi secangkir kopi yang nikmat, well i know the process by reading but never do it directly by myself. Sampai sebulan yang lalu, gue ikutan kuis yang di adakan oleh @Barista_ID dan gue menang di batch yang berhadiah green bean Lintong,yaaaayyyy!!!!
Here's the 500gram of Lintong Green Bean
Beberapa hari setelah menang, paket green bean pun sampai dengan selamat dan sejahtera di rumah, disinilah kebingungan gue muncul..ini biji kopi gue apain ya??? Langsung googling tapi gak langsung ngerti, berat bok kalo harus pake mesin roasting, yaudah ada satu cara yang simple yaitu dengan manual roasting by using your own teflon atau wajan aja :D
First, setiap 100gram di sangrai/roast selama 15menit
Setelah baca postingannya Syifa yaudah akik memutuskan buat ngikutin desse aja, pertama pisahin dulu kopinya jadi 100gram buat di roast selama 15 menit

Kalau sudah di timbang, mari kita masukan kedalam wajan

Mulai sangrai dengan api besar sampai green bean mulai berubah warna

Kecilkan api, terus aduk/oseng-oseng selama 15 menit

Setelah 15 menit,matikan api tapi tetap oseng-oseng biar merata

Taadaaaaa....! I'm proud of my self hahaha

Satu hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah selama 15 menit nyangrai itu kita harus konsisten ngaduk-ngaduk atau ngoseng-ngoseng biji kopinya supaya merata dan ga gosong yaa...ini perjuangan bener sih ya panas ya pegel..tapi semuanya worth it kok setelah merasakan hasilnya :D

Before grinding @Seecul
Berhubung abis di roasting gak mungkin langsung diseduh alias harus di grind dulu, maka seperti biasa kita minta bantuannya mamas Rivan sebagai the hottest barista in town :p dengan mendatangi coffee shop-nya .
Sayang waktu itu gue gak sempet liat langsung proses ngegilingnya karena kemaleman, jadi biji kopi yang udah di sangrai dititipin aja buat besokannya baru icip
Here's the result...a bitter one without sugar added
Ini hasilnya, pertama gue cobain tanpa gula..wanginya enak banget walaupun gue cuma kuat 3 teguk kemudian minta Rinald (another barista, Rivan's young brother) buat nambahin gula.
Hmmm..jangan tanya gue untuk urusan cupping, bukan ahlinya hahaha, pokoknya yang dirasain lidah gue yang tidak faham pemetaan rasa sih ini tingkat keasamannya tinggi (mungkin karena itu Lintong ini masuknya arabika) dan setelah ditambah gula enak banget jadinya :D
Terus gue tanya mamas Barista kan, kata dia sih enak,tapi hasil roastingan gue agak gosong, emang sih dari awal juga gue ngerasa kok berasa cepet perubahan si green bean dari ijo ke kecoklatan. Mungkin lain kali apinya jangan terlalu gede ya :D
Yaaaa namanya juga roasting pertama, pasti masih banyak kurangnya but the feeling of happiness when I'm doing all the procces is priceless! Beruntunglah kalian yang setiap hari kerja mengerjakan sesuatu yang kalian sukai :)

Oke deh that was the story of mine, thank you for those who help during the procces :)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

When the spark fades

Ehmmm...postingan ini agak beda dari postingan sebelum-sebelumnya dimana kerjaan gue adalah jalan-jalan dan makan-makan, kali ini gue mau bahas tentang hubungan percintaan *tsaaaah* yang mana sudah kita ketahui bersama apabila bunga ditaman tidak disiram maka akan layu lebih cepat dibanding yang disiram dan di pupuk *oke norak* ngggggg...how to explain this one yaaa...Jadi..jadi..gue mau bahas tentang kenapa dalam suatu hubungan yang sudah berjalan lumayan lama (let's say lebih dari dua tahun) akan ada saat-saat dimana kita merasa hubungan sudah terasa hambar dan udah gak ada greget-greget seperti diawal hubungan atau ketika masa-masa indah PDKT..nah di barat sana biasanya mereka bilang ini fase "lose the spark"!

Coba kita flashback sebentar...Ngerasain dong gimana deg-degannya nunggu bbm/sms dibales gebetan waktu itu?nyusun katanya aja perlu dipikirin dulu, antara gak mau terdengar cheesy tapi takut terdengar terlalu lempeng juga. Teleponan semaleman dan pas mau tutup telepon manjang lagi tentang siapa yang harus tutup telepon duluan.hahhaha silly but believe me I've been there too! Nyocok-nyocokin hobby dan kesukaan juga menjadi aktifitas yang sangat menyenangkan, terkaget-kaget karena misalnya pacar memiliki makanan kesukaan yang berbeda dengan kita (misal lo suka ceker ayam dan pacar gak suka) tapi semua terasas lucu-lucu aja.

Semakin kesini seiring waktu berjalan and everything goes so right lama-lama rasa sayang itu semakin kuat tapi kebiasaan-kebiasaan lucu dan cheesy kian menipis, some people say it's a step to mature relationship, karena hubungan yang dewasa dan serius itu gak melulu tentang kata-kata manis atau surprise-surprise kecil yang romantis, karena hubungan yang serius itu adalah menyusun planning masa depan yang harus disusun sebaik-baiknya sehingga membutuhkan konsentrasi yang akan menyebabkan hal-hal lucu yang mendebar-debarkan itu dikesampingkan. Nah di fase inilah biasanya mulai si spark ini hilang entah kemana...bukan berarti bosen atau udah gak sayang lagi tapi kehilangan gregetnya aja.

Karena kemarin-kemarin ini gue sempet merasa seperti itu ( duh patjar baca gak ya?if u read this, I already got my sparks back kok :p ) kemudian iseng-iseng googling dan end up di sebuah artikel yang kurang lebih isinya tentang kehilangan spark ini...nah ternyata ada 2 point penyebab yang setelah gue baca emang bener..check it out.....

Letting yourself go physically or mentally When we reach a level of comfort in a relationship, we may tend to care a little less about how we look and how we take care of ourselves.
Nah yang menarik dari point ini adalah kita kadang gak terlalu merhatiin penampilan lagi pas ketemu atau lagi bareng-bareng pacar, ini gue rasain banget sih, sekarang kan gue ceritanya kalo jalan keluar mah pake kerudung sih tapi kalo pacar lagi kerumah gue boro-boro pengen dandan, buat sisiran rambut aja males sampe pacar suka bilang rambut gue yang di cepol doang itu kaya rambut mbok jamu *hahah siaaaal* tapi ya gitu..karena gue udah ngerasa deket banget sama dia dan udah ga jamannya jaim-jaiman kaya pas awal pacaran dimana kalo mau ketemu dia minimal gue udah blow rambut setengah jam sebelum berangkat hahahah.

Failing to share activities – Early on in our relationships, we are often our most open, excited to try new things and share new adventures. As we fall into routine, we often resist novel experiences. We become more cynical, skeptical, and less willing to do things with our partners.
Nah kalo yang ini juga gue rasain banget, awal-awal pacaran itu yang namanya main kesana kemari sering banget padahal waktu itu pacar masih kuliah di luar kota dan dia ada di kota gue nya pas weekend doang, pernah aja dong iseng ke puncak lewat cianjur sama temen-temen kita malem-malem dan muterin sampe bogor dan pulang pagi dengan kondisi besok paginya gue ada kuliah statistik, tapi rasanya sempet-sempet aja dan seneng-seneng aja. Menjelang tahun ke-4 pacaran mau makan keluar aja banyak alesannya (baik dari gue sendiri mau pun dari pacar) mending take away dan makan dirumah dan leyeh-leyeh disofa dan kadang sambil diem-dieman dan asik dengan hape masing-masing. Hahaha we dont know is there something wrong in this case.

Oke itu aja mungkin yang gue rasa relatable sama gue, tapi gak ada masalah yang gak ada solusinya dong yah, setelah gue googling lagi how to survive this problem akhirnya gue terdampar di sebuah artikel yang memberikan trik-trik  how to maintain a relationship so that we don't lose the spark. Bahasanya simple kok, jadi gue rasa gak usah di terjemaahkan yah, monggo dibaca

So here we go:

1) Love is an action: Show your partner how you feel about them every day, at least once a day. Do this even if you are in different states or countries. Show your care, don’t just speak it. Saying “I love you” doesn’t deepen a connection unless it’s accompanied by actions. Leave love notes under your partner’s pillow when you are going to be out of town. Make sure the tires in his car have enough air in them before he leaves town. Hug her every time she walks in the door. Think to get her favorite flower once in a while, for no reason. Fix the leak in the bathroom he’s been complaining about. Wipe up the counter and pick up after yourself like she has been asking.

2) We are all kids at heart: Recognize that no matter how grown up your partner seems, they are really a little kid inside. (Oh yes, and so are you.) We are all really just kids that have bodies that have aged. Inside all of us are the unmet needs of our childhood as well as the playful, spontaneous, joyful child that we once were. Throughout the time you spend with your partner, see if you can notice the kid inside them. Respond to that kid just as you would to a kid who has not yet grown older.

3) Bedtime sharing: If you live together, go to bed at the same time, together, every night. This is huge. That means turning off the TV, the night-light and the phone. This is your time together. Cuddle and talk, make love if the urge strikes, but that is not the point. The point is to talk about your day, your worries, and your hopes. Discover that in spite of all the time you have spent together, you still don’t know each other. If you don’t live together, or are not together for whatever reason, talk on the phone after you climb into bed.

4) Don’t let things slide: When your partner says or does something you don’t agree with or that upsets you, tell them. Don’t just let it slide. This doesn’t mean making a mountain out of molehill, but be sure to give things that upset you the energy that they deserve. Pretending that something doesn’t matter doesn’t make it not matter. You may think it’s not important but over time these things add up and cause resentments and distance. You may not always have time to process the conflict at that moment, but at least let your partner know that you are having a problem and that you will need to discuss it later. When you go to bed together that night, discuss it, if you haven’t already.

5) You are not enemies: When you are in a conflict with your partner, stop your arguing for a moment. Breathe deeply. Start thinking about what you love about this person, and what you are grateful for about them. Then remember that they are not your enemy. In the middle of a conflict it sure can feel that way. It can seem that they are attacking you and you are the victim. Instead of arguing your case back to them, listen to what they are saying and, more importantly, what they are feeling. Respond to what they are feeling. Own what you can about your part in whatever has upset them; this doesn’t mean agreeing with them, only that you can see that you have done something that upset them.

6) Touch well, touch often: Touch your partner as often as possible, and get them to touch you as often as possible. Skin to skin contact increases a hormone called oxytocin, the hormone of love. Oxytocin increases trust and a sense of safety; it reduces stress and increases sexual arousal. Most men and many women are touch deprived. In many cultures parents are taught not to “baby” their children and they interpret this as not cuddling them. Touch increases our overall sense of well being.

7) Play together. Be playful in your interactions. Have a sense of humor in times of stress. Find something playful to do that you both enjoy and make it a priority to keep it in your schedule. Play is critical to our sense of connection to others, and to our joy in life. In our culture we tend to get so serious and think that if an activity is not goal-directed it has no purpose or meaning. Yet play expands our ability to think, develops creativity, and gives us a sense of joy. Playing together in both structured and unstructured ways develops trust and engenders caring.

Staying connected requires time and commitment to the relationship. If you are willing to do all seven of these things, your relationship will flourish. Even if you just do a few of them, your relationship will fare better than many, certainly than those who first walk through the door of my counseling office. 

Semoga postingan ini berguna bagi semua pasangan yang sedang merasa kehilangan si spark, gue sudah mencoba beberapa hal dan rasanya I got my sparks back for now :D